Mutton Bustin

Mutton Bustin

Mutton Bustin’ is an exciting activity that gives children a taste of the rodeo excitement as they cling to the backs of woolly sheep, aiming to stay on for as long as possible.

What You Need to Know:

Registration will only be offered online (Opens in early July)
• Mutton Bustin’ is open to kids aged 5-7
• Rider must be under 50 lbs. wearing the clothes and footwear they will ride in. Weigh-ins take place at check-in. (For the safety of the animals, no exceptions will be made for a child weighing over 50.00 lbs.)
• Each session is limited to 40 kids
• Entry fee is $25. Cash only at check-in. No bills larger than $50 will be accepted
• Participation waiver must be signed before the ride, during online pre-registration
• Like professional rodeo events, time and score count, but all these aspiring cowboys and cowgirls receive a participation ribbon
• Sorry, pardner, no re-rides, and the judge’s decision is final

What to Wear

Long-sleeved shirts and pants are required. Boots or tennis shoes, NO SANDALS or open-toed shoes allowed. Riders will be weighed in what they wear to ride. A safety vest & helmet are provided and must be worn by the rider. No spurs and riders must ride forward.


The top 10 scores of each Mutton Bustin’ session will have the opportunity to ride at the ticketed rodeo performance later the same day. If your child is a finalist to ride in the rodeo event, parents and immediate family will be able to watch their rider from a designated location in the arena.